SynTherm® – Insulating Materials SynKraft® M

A high-quality insulating material based on calandered 100 % unbleached sulphate wood pulp.

Machine pressboard displays excellent flexibility, good tensile and compressive strength, good compatibility with dip and trickle resins and good impregnating properties.

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Pressboard is a classic insulating material for electrical equipment and is commonly used in transformers, but also in electrical motors at reduced thermal loads. Application ranges from slot insulation for stators and rotors, through wedges in electric motors to core, interlayer and final insulation for transformers.


  • Class A (105 °C) insulating material acc. IEC 60085 / VDE 0530 part 1
  • Test standard IEC 60641-2
  • Sample conditioning according to standard atmosphere 23/50

Delivery forms

Total thickness in μm:

  • rolled goods (PSP M3020) 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000
  • sheet goods (PSP M3010) 100 μm up to 3.0 mm

Machine pressboard can be supplied:

  • in slit rolls from widths of 6 mm (depending on thickness)
  • in rolls (PSP M3020) in widths of approx. 640 or 1280 mm
  • overall diameter of the slit rolls / rolls is optionally approx. 240, 330 or 450 mm
  • in sheets (PSP M3010) depending on the thickness 640 x 800 mm or 800 x 1280 mm, other sheets available on request


  • depth approx. 1 to 12 mm, distance approx. 1 to 10 mm
  • from widths of 10 to 240 mm and up to thickness of 0.35 mm

Punched parts, bent and formed parts

We offer a wide range of punched and formed parts: Rolls, individual parts unsorted, sorted or stacked, adhesive on one or both sides, non-adhesive, with or without a grip tab.


More about punched parts

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Technical data

Property Unit of measure SynKraft® M 3010 (sheets) SynKraft® M 3020 (rolls)
Thickness tolerance % ± 10%
Density g/cm³ 1.2 - 1.3 1.15
Tensile strength (unfold) longitudinal N/mm² 70 70
Tensile strength (unfold) transversal N/mm² 40 40
Elongation at break (unfold) longitudinal % 5.5 4
Elongation at break (unfold) transversal % 8 10
Moisture content max. % 8 8
Combustion residue max. % 5 1.5
Shrinkage longitudinal % 2 0.7
Shrinkage transversal % 2 1.2
Property Unit of measure SynKraft® M 3010 (sheets) SynKraft® M 3020 (rolls)
Dielectric strength kV/mm 9 11